Dear South Central Valley OM Coaches and Coordinators,
The 2020-2021 OM season looks to be a year of changes. Odyssey of the Mind Headquarters and many from all over the world have been hard at work adapting this program in a way so all can participate safely and creatively. The SoCal Odyssey board after much research, review and careful consideration made the decision to offer only online tournaments for the 2020-21 season for the safety and well-being of all who participate in the program.
Paula Terrill, your current regional director, is having to step aside this year. She fully intends on returning to her role for the 21-22 season. As your region currently does not have an active regional director and operating board, the state is going to take over leadership of the region for this year.
For now, any official communication about Odyssey in SCV will be coming from me, the state director. The state board will also organize and host a virtual regional tournament for SCV teams, most likely in combination with the LA Basin virtual tournament. Teams advancing from the regional tournament will advance to a virtual SoCal state tournament. Teams advancing from our SoCal state tournament will advance to World Finals.
The state board appreciates the support of all coaches, coordinators, and teams during this time of transition. We know that SCV teams will be creating amazing and creative solutions for our virtual tournaments this year. Please know that everyone will be given the support needed to have a successful year.
I’m looking forward to an incredible season of creativity and teamwork! If you know of anyone who would be interested in stepping into a leadership position for the SCV, please let me know. We will need various board members for the 21-22 season.
If you haven’t yet, please sign up for our new online self-paced online coach training modules. live coach webinars will be held on November 14 and December 7 (attend one after completing the modules). This is going to be an amazing season of virtual creativity!
Lynn R. Larsen, Ph.D.socaldirector@socalodyssey.orgVolunteer State Director, SoCal Odyssey of the Mindwww.socalodyssey.org