Coaches Training


To get your season started, an online coach training program has been developed with program information, coaching tools, and wisdom for your guidance. All coaches, new and experienced, will be required to complete the elements of our online training program before they can register their team for the regional tournament. All coach training is being facilitated by the state and regions this year.

To get started, you will complete our online, self-paced training followed by a live webinar run by expert Odyssey volunteers.  You do not need to review the online self-paced training all at once, but it is important to complete the modules and take the check-in quizzes prior to attending a live webinar. This self-paced environment provides you flexibility while significantly shortening  the “in seat” time needed for the webinar.

To access your self-paced online training started follow these steps:

New Coaches (first and second season or experienced coaches returning that did not participate in the 2023-24 season)

  1. Go to 
  2. Click on the Introduction Video to Coaches Training icon box and watch the video.
  3. Click Login to Enroll button
  4. Follow steps to Register
  5. Now that you are registered click on Introduction Video to Coaches Training to begin your online training.

There are two courses, a short video, and online course work in the program.  The online modules will take approximately an hour to complete. You do not need to complete it all at once, but you do need to complete it prior to the webinar.  

Experienced Coaches (3+ seasons and participated in 2023-24)

  1. Go to 
  2. Click on the Experienced Coaches Training icon box.
  3. Click Login using your user name and password from the 2023-2024 season
  4. Now click on Experienced Coaches Training to begin your online training with important information for this season.

Once you have completed the modules, register for the live webinar. You only need to attend ONE of the following live webinars, so choose which date works best for you. The live webinars will be offered on the following dates via Zoom. 

Click HERE to register for one of the three dates below: 


We have additional coaching resources available at, coach tab, Creative Journey Tools. 

Welcome to the new season! We can’t wait to see the creative solutions your teams develop!. We look forward to “seeing”  you at a webinar soon! 

Be safe and enjoy a creative season!

National Odyssey of the Mind

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